Good East
(November 2023 - Present)
Developer: Alexandrine Aranda Toledo & me
Role: Unreal Programmer & Game Designer
This personal project has been developed willing to improve my skills and portfolio. With that in mind, and teaming up with Alexandrine, another Game Designer who compliments my skills quite well, as she is more focused on narrative and sound design (in contrast to my technical and gameplay skills) we decided to take Bad North as a big reference and make a prototype.
The reasoning behind the decision of choosing this game was that its system-based and we thought we could reasonably make a fairly complete and fun game that includes interesting areas for our portfolios.
We focussed more on developing the game rather tan changing up the reference, but anyway we added several small changes such as new types of units with completely new behaviours and the inheritably different level design.
During this development I handled the vast majority of blueprint programming (units, tiles, camera, Game Mode, widget blueprints, houses and unit healing inside them among others) as well as all the animation systems, AI programming, navigation areas and game saves system. I also helped with level design and dressing, gameplay design and analysis of Bad North.
Blueprint programming
Units (Navigation system + AI + Animation system + combat)
Tiles (Integration with navigation system and units+ Editor tool for spawning tiles)
Camera (Spawning + rotation + Zoom + Inputs)
Game Mode (General game management functionality)
UI (Widget Blueprints)
Houses (Automatic spawning in tiles within editor + Destruction system + system for receiving attacks sequentially + unit healing)
AI programming
Shared tasks with my teammate
Level Design + dressing
Gameplay design
Game Balancing
In-depth analysis of Bad North as the main reference
Performance enhancing
Project settings configuration
Design and organisation of the project architecture
Build creation
Bug fixing